Monday, October 14, 2024

"Good job!" RHS Students Clean Up Day

 Dear Reader,

I just had a most wonderful experience that I would like to share with you. This last Thursday I was going up Griffey Hill on Airport Road. I came upon a group of students, twenty or so, and then when I topped the hill, I saw at least another fifty students. I could not believe my eyes. They all had garbage bags and were cleaning up that road on both sides of the barrow ditch. I pulled over and spoke to one of the students and asked him who they were with. He said they were all Riverton High School students. Apparently, this was their “day of service” and they sure were performing a valuable and needed service.

As a business owner who uses that road every day, I can tell you it was WONDERFUL. That road has not looked this good in a very long time and it sure needed the attention. Thank you to the students. It was a real bright spot in my day and sure enhanced my view of our next generation.

Good job!

Ron Warpness

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Mountain View Cemetery: Something to be proud of...

Dear Soapbox Reader:           

This is just a thank you note to our Mountain View Cemetery board and the wonderful work that they have done at the beautiful resting place for our loved ones.

If you have not been up to the Mountain View Cemetery recently, I would encourage you to do so and see what I am talking about. The North side of the Cemetery has been expanded significantly to include many, many new evergreen trees as well as many other trees in the interior space. With new grass (sod) and a beautiful sprinkler system, I enjoy and appreciate it every time I drive by it on Cooper Road. I have watched its development all this summer and it is something we all can be very proud. The workers that did the work are all to be congratulated for a job well done. 

It really is nice and will be beautiful when the plants are fully grown. So take a drive out and see for yourself.

Ron Warpness