Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Introducing "The Soapbox"


Carol Harper, Editor
"What are the locals wondering about today?" That's the question I kept in mind while creating the Riverton Soapbox, a variation on the theme of goRiverton's "What are the locals doing today?" I've come to find out that many folks have a thing or two to say on several subjects, but haven't found the right platform to express their views, or just simply don't want to face the trolls and jeers of social media.

GoRiverton has been a big supporter and cheerleader of Riverton's local businesses and community organizations. So I felt it was now time to create a platform where folks can share their views and opinions on issues that pertain specifically to them, to their neighborhoods, to their businesses, to Riverton...the good, the bad and the ugly!

I welcome your Letters to the Editor, guest writings, commentaries...even your questions on any particular subject could be made into a poll question and put out there for folks to ponder upon. Maybe you want to thank and spotlight a particular business or group for doing it right and doing great things in the community, Maybe you question the status quo. Maybe you've never had the opportunity to tell your story, tell your truth. Maybe you have an idea or question and need some input or advice from your community.

You can e-mail your submissions to goviverton@gmail.com. Please first take a read through the rules and guidelines. My hope is that the Soapbox can be a neutral, safe place where voices can be heard, where we can sometimes agree to disagree, but always give consideration and credence to each others' thoughts and views.

So shoot me a letter, it doesn't have to be long, and you don't need to use long, flowery words. Keep it simple...say what you mean and mean what you say. I look forward to hearing from you and serving Riverton with a virtual "room with the views."

Carol Harper